A bookbag that mainly teenage girls use to hold their shit in. Probably shit that won't fit in their jeans because those are too tight. I think that girls believe they are more fashionable with one and that it makes them look/feel a lot more womanly or feminine. Even if you are a shim, it
can boost your confidence. At school, its a replacement for a backpack. It's also a lot cooler to run in because if you're going to be late to class, you don't want your fat and
overstuffed backpack (full of calculators, multi-colored
highlighters, cheap lip gloss, and completed homework) flopping against your back and look like a complete dumbass. You can fit as much shit in your tote bag and it will still not look as gay and bulky as
the backpack you previously used. If you go to the mall, you'll probably see about every other fucking girl with one on their shoulder. Sometimes girls carry two because they're just to lazy or embarassed to carry a bigger bag that will hold all of it...